Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Man's Ankle Healed

Our day was all planned out from nine in the morning until the afternoon. We took our daughter to her gymnastics class, then we went to a baby shower at 11am. We were supposed to watch my daughter's friend's game at 1pm but she said we didn't have to. I was glad to hear that since what Jeff and I really wanted to do this afternoon was to pray and bless people. 

After we dropped off our little ones at home Jeff and I drove to the Hispanic market area over at Grant St. in Manassas. We parked and walked inside a bakery. Of course, nobody can speak English so it made it difficult to have a conversation with them about Jesus. We thought God won't be able to use us there (you think?) so we ended up buying treats that we don't really need. We walked out carrying 2,000 calories worth of goodies. 

We entered another building and walked around. Again, we felt that God couldn't use us there as well. As we were walking out the door I told Jeff that maybe we should just go to the emergency room. As we were walking towards our car I was enticed by this great smell of mexican food sold at a food catering truck. So we stopped and I looked at the menu. Then I suddenly realized a woman next to me. I started asking her questions about the menu and her recommendations. And that's how it all began. 

Jeff joined in the conversation and the lady said she had gastritis and her husband had pain on his left ankle. He was a concrete guy and he injured his ankle at work. Jeff asked if he could pray and he accepted. After Jeff prayed we asked if the pain was gone, he said no. So I joined Jeff and we both prayed. After praying he said that it felt better. I knew God was going to completely heal him so I attempted one more time and got down on my knees and thanked Jesus for a complete healing. I stood up and then he said that the pain was gone. He was smiling and he thanked us. He motioned that he wants to give me a hug and so I gave him a hug. His wife was so thankful and offered to cook us mexican food at her house next week (of course we could not resist). She also requested that we minister to their two teenage children that are currently addicted to drugs. 

If you are curious as to why we're doing what we're doing or why we choose to go out and find strangers to talk to, then our answers is... because God wants to use us (His children and it could be you) to reveal His love to the world. He heals because He loves. God's only motivation is love. He died on the cross because of love. He multiplied the loaves and the fishes because of love. He will restore anybody because of love. His love is enough to fill the emptiness inside each person and to break any sickness and disease.  

Over and over we have witnessed God meeting people where they are at and He will heal them and pour out His undying love for them. All we need to do is to respond to that love and accept it. We can push Jesus away all we want but He will never give up on us. I know that because He did it for me 10 years ago. I was lost and I was hurting, but He lovingly picked me up and gave me a new life. It was the best decision I have ever made. 

If you are still reading this, then stop right now and ask Jesus to reveal His love to you. Ask Him for an encounter of His love. Remember... HE LOVES YOU.

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